Common Ground, Common Future on view soon!

Common Ground, Common Future on view soon!

Regular Hours of Operation During Exhibitions

Friday: 11:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 11:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am - 5:00pm

See Events to See What’s On View


A sub-terrain landmark

Uniquely situated to enhance the cultural life of Washington DC. In a city with no lack of public spaces and cultural institutions, it is surprising that there are precious few that offer flexible space for public expressions of creativity through onsite arts production, performance and exhibition. The Dupont Underground is evolving to fill that need, whether as a black box theatre, a workshop and exhibition space, or a venue for alternative media productions.


A place that fosters creativity

Dupont Underground is a citizen-driven urban initiative that is responding to the need to strengthen and expand the city‘s creative culture. Increasingly understood as a catalyst of urban growth, creative communities have a critical role in defining the urban identity of the District.


Sparking creative expression

Dupont Underground is a versatile and ever-changing space where the public can create, interact with, and deepen its cultural knowledge. In addition to its own curated programming, Dupont Underground provides event and exhibition space for partnering organizations, collaborating with galleries, art spaces, and artists. It provides a local nexus to develop collaborations with innovative cultural institutions around the world.